Scarlet Clicks

Lucre Online with ScarletClicks

ScarletClicks is another site ptc genre, but unlike many, you do not necessarily click on any ads to get the clicks of your referrals, only if you want. The site is on the air since 2009 and has thousands of users. Let's look at ways to profit on the site ..

Register - This is always the first step to make money on the site ..
Ads - Ads range from $ 0.0002 to $ 0,001, a good option to join a few bucks and rent referrals.
Rental Referrals - are the cheapest I've ever seen and it is they who will give you most of the profit on the site. Whenever rent do not forget to leave a little to prolong the term rentals.
Referred to purchase - Few of the genre sites have this option. Buying a said, it's yours, and you will not need to spend every month to keep it. This option is more expensive than the rent, but is advantageous.
Upgrade - Upgrading your account you will receive more clicks of your referrals. This option is essential to have a higher profit on the site. Among the plans chosen, we have the "Yearly Gold" costing $ 100 and the "Monthly Gold" costing $ 10.

Direct Referrals - Enjoy and get direct referrals to enlarge their profits.

Scarlet Clicks and GPTPlanet, will begin in 2009 and 2010 respectively, always paying quickly and via Paypal.

How to Make Money on the websites?

Do not think of arriving as in most other PTC and go renting referrals. As a free member your profit is only 40%. But that is not bad, the upgrade costs only $ 5, and its gain already up to 100% of the click of your referrals. So it's simple, do the upgrade, rent the limit specified for your package. Renew for as long as possible and see your balance go up and receive payments.

Let's see the gain options: