
What is clixic?

A global network available in several languages, Clixic is a good option for sites paid per click. Its primary format is to return to its users for clicks on advertising available on the site. Ads 1 restarts once a day. The Administrator appears to be professional and Portugal, good any information on the site you can find forum, we highlight a few on it;

How to Make Money in Clixic?

Let you accompany the main sources of income in Clixic, and they are listed below for you with some quick tips:

Create your account - the first step to start earning on the site;

Visit ads - It's the default option and you should visit the maximum notice possible every day, either to earn your referrals and to add more balance.

ClixcGrid - Pays impressive $ 10 as maximum award, hitting this option you can make withdrawals or start a rental strategy on the site.
Register Listings - It's always an interesting option and easier for you to make money, usually you need to register on the websites and click for 7 days for example.

Rent referrals - is the alternative for you to broaden your profits, is starting with 3 or those already renting a higher package, this option should always be explored. Please, before buying rented, check the forum as are the averages.

Indicate direct - Take your link and share on social networks or the way you have more easily. It is a great alternative and when the limit is good 250.

Upgrade - is the more cautious alternative and you should take great care when investing in the upgrade, both at the site level of security as in its strategy for not losing money. Always remember that only the upgrade will give you loss, you will need or rented and direct to help.

As I point out work on the site?
Even with a valid SSL certificate for companies, and using Paypal as a payment processor the Clixic is still new and requires very cautious with investments.

Always before investing, check the forum, see What did the users who have already invested are talking about their profits and average rented.

Checking the above issues and see a simple recommendation:

Rental 50 referred - not to take risks;
Request payment - to confirm the payment period and see if everything is OK with the site;
Check the income of hired - See if it is profitable in your free account. If not, the recommendation would be renewed for at least 90 days, or even let win. Recalling that has the Upgrade option.

referred to renew - Renewal for another 30 days or recommended at least 90 days;
Continue to rent - Now you can follow your strategy or tips from other users in the forum, always note amid a strategy to make payment applications, the ideal is that you remove all that invested and seeking still left over for rent and renovation as well in the case of future problems with the site you will not have damage. Having already invested drawn which can make a long-term strategy.

Some useful tips on the site;

Paypal, the payment is important in maintaining a PTC site that is for her that the site sells more such packages, upgrade, advertising etc.

Portuguese, a translation into Portuguese included, facilitating our work on the site;

Instant Payments - A promise of the site, do not know if is active, more if it is very interesting and useful because it does not charge receiver rate